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Articles Posted in Divorce

There are numerous types of assault crimes in Texas. They range from Simple Assault, which is Class C misdemeanor, to Aggravated Assault, which is typically a Second Degree felony (although there are circumstances in which it could be charged as …

If you are charged with a crime, you will likely be on probation, or “community supervision” at some point. Living your life under strict rules isn’t easy, but if you violate probation, there are consequences. Community supervision (probation) is a …

A dismissal or a “not guilty” of criminal charges does not automatically erase the criminal records for that charge. An arrest or criminal accusation creates various records throughout many agencies. The types of records created include police reports and arrest …

It’s true: your driver’s license will likely get suspended after you are charged with a DWI. An arrest for DWI in Texas usually leads to a criminal case. In most instances, the police officer also issues a “Notice of Suspension/Temporary …

Theft in Texas is a serious charge. If you face an accusation of a theft crime in Texas, it’s helpful to understand the range of laws and punishments for theft crimes in Texas. If you need assistance with your Texas …

Sexual assault has been in the news recently. The recent arrests and prosecutions of powerful celebrities signals a shift in society’s attitudes towards sexual assault. However, sexual assault in Texas is fairly complicated and warrants close attention so that those …

Being charged with a crime related to the possession of child pornography is very serious. If convicted, you will experience long term effects on your life. Even the accusation of a child pornography-related crime can tarnish your reputation. If this …

Being a parent is one of the most wonderful things in the world, but the job also comes with a host of responsibilities and obligations. One such responsibility is that of providing for your child financially. Married parents that live …

Divorce is a confusing time for many of our clients. In addition to dealing with the emotional fallout of separation, many couples feel overwhelmed by the complexity of divorce laws in Texas. In this article, we highlight the key facts …

A Brief Summary of Texas Gun Laws

Gun collecting is a popular hobby in Texas. Although many people buy guns because they want to hunt, others are simply gun enthusiasts who like collecting guns and maybe shooting them on the range.Whatever your reason for wanting a gun, Texas has numerous gun laws. Generally, this is a pro-gun

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Cyber Crimes: Law, Penalties, and Defenses in Texas

Cyber crimes and their penalties can be found in the Texas Penal Code Chapter 33. Broadly speaking, computer crimes, or cyber crimes, are any crimes committed with a computer. It can include solicitation of a minor, hacking, defrauding, identity theft, breaching security, or damaging property. The Texas computer crimes statute

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An Overview of Texas Family Law

If you are considering or are in the process of a divorce, you may have questions and need an overview of Texas family law. Here, we’ll take a look at what you can expect from the court process, how lawyers help mediate the process, and what the specific Texas laws

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What Is the DWI/DUI Punishment in Texas?

There is a range of DWI punishments in Texas. 1st Offense: a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by not less than 72 hours or more than 180 days in the county jail, and/or a fine not to exceed $2,000. 2nd Offense: a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by not less than 30

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Summary of Assault Charges in Texas

There are numerous types of assault crimes in Texas. They range from Simple Assault, which is Class C misdemeanor, to Aggravated Assault, which is typically a Second Degree felony (although there are circumstances in which it could be charged as a First Degree Felony). Every type of Assault requires a

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Probation Violations in Texas

If you are charged with a crime, you will likely be on probation, or “community supervision” at some point. Living your life under strict rules isn’t easy, but if you violate probation, there are consequences. Community supervision (probation) is a double-edged punishment. A defendant can avoid confinement in either county

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Expungement in Texas: How to Expunge Your Criminal Record in Texas

A dismissal or a “not guilty” of criminal charges does not automatically erase the criminal records for that charge. An arrest or criminal accusation creates various records throughout many agencies. The types of records created include police reports and arrest summaries, booking information and photos, county and district clerk filings, and

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How to Get a Suspended License Back Early

It’s true: your driver’s license will likely get suspended after you are charged with a DWI. An arrest for DWI in Texas usually leads to a criminal case. In most instances, the police officer also issues a “Notice of Suspension/Temporary Driving Permit.” This is generally because the person arrested refused

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