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Articles Posted in Divorce

Assaults happen in all different kinds of settings. They happen at football games, bars, and in the home. When the police are called, or a victim gives them a statement, their job is not to debate you or listen to …

There is a step-by-step divorce process in Texas. For those who are considering ending their marriage, the question of where to start and the sheer gravity of the decision often make divorce a difficult decision. Add to that a belief …

Possession of child pornography carries serious penalties, including being required to register as a sex offender. Most arrestees are rightly terrified of being convicted and hope that there is a way to beat the charges. At Tidwell Law Firm, our …

When couples divorce, or when unmarried people have children together, they will need to decide who has custody of the children. Child custody can be simple or complicated, depending on whether the parents can reach an agreement between themselves. At …

Legal separation is not directly addressed under Texas law. However, you can still “legally separate.” In other words, there are no specific statutes addressing legal separation. So, it is not specifically recognized by Texas courts. That means that you and …

Gun collecting is a popular hobby in Texas. Although many people buy guns because they want to hunt, others are simply gun enthusiasts who like collecting guns and maybe shooting them on the range.Whatever your reason for wanting a gun, …

Texas has some of the strictest drug laws in the country. The penalties for basic possession can include life imprisonment under certain circumstances. If you have been caught with even a small amount of a controlled substance, you can possibly …

Cyber crimes and their penalties can be found in the Texas Penal Code Chapter 33. Broadly speaking, computer crimes, or cyber crimes, are any crimes committed with a computer. It can include solicitation of a minor, hacking, defrauding, identity theft, …

If you are considering or are in the process of a divorce, you may have questions and need an overview of Texas family law. Here, we’ll take a look at what you can expect from the court process, how lawyers …

There is a range of DWI punishments in Texas. 1st Offense: a Class B Misdemeanor, punishable by not less than 72 hours or more than 180 days in the county jail, and/or a fine not to exceed $2,000. 2nd Offense: …

What Happens if You Violate Probation in Texas?

Violating probation in the State of Texas can come with serious repercussions. The court feels as though it cut you some slack by sentencing you to a period of probation as opposed to incarceration. It will be difficult to convince them that they should continue cutting slack in light of

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How to Beat an Assault Charge in Texas

Assaults happen in all different kinds of settings. They happen at football games, bars, and in the home. When the police are called, or a victim gives them a statement, their job is not to debate you or listen to your story. Their job is to “investigate” (take a statement,

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The Divorce Process in Texas

There is a step-by-step divorce process in Texas. For those who are considering ending their marriage, the question of where to start and the sheer gravity of the decision often make divorce a difficult decision. Add to that a belief that children might be negatively impacted, and many put off

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What Parents Need to Know about Child Custody Laws in Texas

When couples divorce, or when unmarried people have children together, they will need to decide who has custody of the children. Child custody can be simple or complicated, depending on whether the parents can reach an agreement between themselves. At Tidwell Law Firm, we have represented numerous parents seeking custody

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What You Need to Know About Legal Separation in Texas

Legal separation is not directly addressed under Texas law. However, you can still “legally separate.” In other words, there are no specific statutes addressing legal separation. So, it is not specifically recognized by Texas courts. That means that you and your spouse can split up and live separately and reach

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