Texas DWI Defense Attorney Assisting Clients in Collin County
Alcohol-related offenses are serious under Texas law. It is essential for anyone facing a DWI to seek advice from an experienced Collin County DWI attorney.
At the Tidwell Law Firm, PLLC, we know that people make mistakes and that they deserve second chances. We also know that the law can wrongfully incriminate people for DWI offenses, and we have strategies for building strong defenses to DWI charges.
Having a DWI conviction on your record is potentially devastating. Our DWI attorneys in Collin County, Texas want to help you fight this charge to keep your record clean.
What is a DWI Offense in Collin County, Texas?
What is a DWI offense in Texas?
Some states refer to DWIs as DUIs, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). But in Texas, we call it a DWI. According to the statute, a person commits a DWI “if the person is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle in a public place.”
Even first-time offenses have serious consequences in Texas. However, it is possible for first-time offenders to receive a lesser sentence than subsequent offenders.
Note that there are more serious types of DWI charges. For instance, if you face charges of intoxicated driving with a child passenger. You can face a felony charge instead of a misdemeanor charge.
You can face charges for driving under the influence with a child passenger if the following are true:
- The person is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle in a public place (the DWI offense description above); and
- The passenger is under the age of 15.
There are also charges in Texas for flying while intoxicated, boating while intoxicated, and assembling or operating an amusement ride while intoxicated.
If you are facing any DWI-related charges, an experienced Collin County DWI lawyer can help with your defense.
How Does Texas Law Define Intoxication?
If you face a charge of a DWI, it is important to know how the state criminal law defines intoxication.
Under Texas law, intoxication is one of the following:
- Having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher; or
- Not having the normal use of your mental or physical faculties due to alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of drugs and alcohol, or any other intoxicating substance.
To be clear, to face a DWI charge, you do not have to have a BAC of 0.08 percent or higher. Rather, you can face DWI charges if you are driving in a manner that leads the police to believe that you are intoxicated, or if you have certain types of drugs or alcohol in your system.

Penalties for a Collin County DWI Conviction
What type of penalties will you face if you face a DWI charge in Collin County, Texas? Depending, you can face different penalty levels. In addition, a first offense has different punishments than a subsequent offense. The following is more information about DWI penalties in Collin County:
- 1st offense with a BAC of less than .15: This is a Class B misdemeanor offense, which can include a fine of up to $2,000, a jail term of up to 180 days, and a driver’s license suspension for anywhere from 90 days to one year.
- 1st offense with a BAC of .15 or more: This is a Class B misdemeanor offense, which can result in a jail sentence of up to one year and a fine of up to $4,000 in addition to license suspension.
- 2nd offense: This is a Class A misdemeanor offense with a jail term of up to one year, a fine of up to $4,000, and a driver’s license suspension of anywhere from 180 days to two years.
- 3rd offense: This is a 3rd degree felony offense, and a conviction can result in a term of imprisonment from 2 to 10 years, a fine of up to $10,000, and a driver’s license suspension for up to two years.
- DWI with a child passenger: This is a state jail felony offense, which is much more serious than a misdemeanor offense but carries a lesser penalty than a 3rd degree felony conviction. A state jail felony conviction can result in a jail term of anywhere from 180 days to two years, and a fine of up to $10,000.
Texas law also prohibits persons convicted with a felony offense from voting or from being in possession of a firearm.
Seek Advice from a Collin County DWI Lawyer

Are you facing DWI charges? This is much too serious an offense to handle on your own. An aggressive Collin County DWI lawyer can assess your case and discuss various defense strategies with you today.
At the Tidwell Law Firm, PLLC, we are committed to providing strong representation to clients facing DWI charges, and we are ready to assist with your case.
Contact us to learn more about the services we provide to clients in Texas.